Evolutive CRM for Growth Hubs


Evolutive CRM for Growth Hubs

Developed by Alcium Software, Evolutive is a leading cloud based Client Relationship Management system (CRM) used by multiple LEPs throughout the UK for the management of day to day Growth Hub activity. Evolutive users include Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership, Liverpool City Region LEP and Coventry & Warwickshire LEP.

Evolutive provides LEPs with a platform to improve the way enquiries are captured, managed, shared and followed up to ensure a coordinated and collective response. Evolutive enables a more effective and streamlined way of dealing with enquiries, improving the overall provision of coordinated business support in the LEP area.

Key functionality of the Evolutive system allows for the recording, management and referral of business enquiries, including subsequent tracking, follow up and feedback to the LEP as to resulting actions undertaken and outcomes achieved.

In addition, Evolutive CRM is also used throughout the UK to deliver, manage and monitor multiple grant and funding programmes including ERDF, ESIF and RGF projects.

Other functionality of the system includes employability management (participant / job seeker tracking), commercial property and land database, online property search portal, events management and automated marketing capabilities (e-newsletters & questionnaires).


Invest Hertfordshire website launch

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Invest Hertfordshire website, a new inward investment service designed to attract businesses and unlock investment opportunities across Hertfordshire.

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Streamline event management with Evolutive CRM

Efficiently manage and promote your events, whether they are business support events, workshops, employability events, job shops or online sessions, with Evolutive’s fully integrated event management solution.

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Elevate your website: Evolutive CRM and website integration

Unlock the potential of your online presence with our Evolutive integrated websites, designed and developed by our digital design team, offering a range of features.

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