Evolutive in Action

Find out how Evolutive is used across:

  • Local Authorities

    Used by Local Authorities throughout the UK for inward investment, economic development, business support, employment and skills and more.

  • Business Support

    Streamline the management and monitoring of business support, grants and funding.

  • Employment & Skills

    Improve the provision of employability support, monitoring and reporting.

  • Growth Hubs

    Manage and monitor business support, funding and grants programmes, employability and skills and more.

  • Local Enterprise Partnerships

    Improve the way enquiries are captured, managed and shared across Local Enterprise Partnerships.

  • Chambers of Commerce

    Comprehensive client, membership, enquiry and support management for Chambers of Commerce.

  • Universities

    Record employer engagement and manage funding programmes via one system.

Optimise your contact and business relationships

A leading, flexible CRM system used widely across the public sector. Customise the system to adapt to your own business processes and requirements. 

Hear from our clients

  • "The implementation of Evolutive has streamlined our data management processes by providing an enhanced centralised platform for storing, organising, and analysing data a variety of externally funded contracts helping to ensure compliance at a variety of internal and external project evaluations."

    Barnsley Council

  • "We have streamlined our grant processes to give applicants an experience that is web-based by default, and all the applications come in through Evolutive where our fully-customised reports give us all the information we require. "

    Bridgend County Borough Council

  • "Evolutive is ideal for the partnership working we do with other business support organisations across the region, ensuring that we are safely and legally sharing data."

    Solent Partners

  • "Online forms which feed into Evolutive ensure processes are streamlined and enable accurate tracking and reporting. The dashboards and charts also enable the sharing of information easily between internal and external partners."

    Cheshire West & Chester Council

Digital Marketplace approved supplier

We are an approved supplier on the Government G-Cloud 13 Framework

Crown commercial service supplier

Manage your workload, all in one place

Find out how Evolutive can support your organisation. Submit your details and one of our team will be in touch to discuss your enquiry.

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