Evolutive CRM system for UKSPF Programmes


Evolutive CRM system for UKSPF Programmes

Evolutive is increasingly being adopted by Local Authorities and partners around the UK to deliver, manage and monitor UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) programmes. 

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) succeeds the old EU structural funds. This money will go straight to local places right across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to invest in three local priorities; communities and place, support for local businesses and people and skills.

Evolutive CRM software allows organisations to streamline the process of programme delivery, improve efficiencies and facilitate data sharing / collaboration between organisations to effectively manage UKSPF programmes. 

Evolutive has comprehensive grant management functionality, including dynamic integration with online forms to collect applicant data and supporting documents. Full reporting and exclusive Microsoft Power BI integration provides organisations with a comprehensive view of programme data, financial reporting and applicant information. 

Due to its high level of customisation, Evolutive is already widely used as a grant management and funding system and can easily be tailored to manage different programmes, projects and funds. 

Other examples of Evolutive use include for business support, inward investment, economic development, employment & skills, membership management and more. 

To find out more about how Evolutive could benefit your organisation, get in touch with us here



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