Evolutive News Evolutive for Building Better Opportunities


Evolutive News Evolutive for Building Better Opportunities

Evolutive has recently been selected as the software system of choice for a range of Building Better Opportunities Programmes across the UK.

Building Better Opportunities (BBO) brings together funding from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund (ESF) to help tackle the poverty and social exclusion faced by the most disadvantaged people in England.

Evolutive provides lead and partner organisations delivering the programme with a comprehensive participant tracking system to monitor the participant journey and report on a range of performance and outcome data, in line with programme requirements. Online forms developed specifically for BBO are dynamically integrated with Evolutive to simplify data entry and assist in programme delivery. The system also offers real time data analysis for ongoing performance management, as well as advanced reporting features.

11 organisations throughout the UK have so far implemented Evolutive to support BBO programme delivery.

For more information on how Evolutive is used to support BBO programmes, simply contact info@alciumsoftware.com or call on 0114 349 1294.

For more about Building Better Opportunities, visit: https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/esf


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