Warwickshire Fair Chance Jobs portal launch


Warwickshire Fair Chance Jobs portal launch

We are pleased to launch the Warwickshire Fair Chance jobs portal, a brand new website developed with Warwickshire County Councils Skills Hub.

We designed and developed the website with the team at Warwickshire County Council, which aims to help businesses address skills shortages, and break down long-term employability barriers for individuals. 

The website lists job opportunities which aims to support:

  • Foreign nationals who are part of our Resettlement Programme in Warwickshire 
  • People with SEND (Special Education Needs Disability)
  • Ex-armed forces and their families  
  • Young people that are not in education, employment or training (NEETS) 
  • People over the age of 50 who are looking for paid employment. 
  • Care Leavers 
  • Young Carers 
  • Women Returning to Work
  • People who have been made redundant or lost their jobs through the pandemic, from the above priority groups 

Full integration with Evolutive allows for the feed and management of live job vacancies, as well as capture of jobseeker interest, job specific queries and applications.

In addition to the dynamic Evolutive integration, the website has been developed on a flexible, intuitive Content Management System, giving the Fair Chance Team access to update all website content at their own leisure. 

View the website here: https://fairchancejobs.warwickshire.gov.uk/ 


Interested in integrating Evolutive with a website? Click here to enquire about our digital services. 



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